Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Make Money Online - Updates at Kimbro.

The response to letting people look over my shoulder whilst I build the: site has been very good. I just want to emphasize here that normally you should not publish a site to the web until it is complete and this was only done so that people could follow the development daily as I worked. I am glad that it has turned out to be so helpful for those who followed along. Most of the pages need further development and as you can appreciate I had to rush through this project. I checked today and 88 pages have been indexed by Google.

I have added a search box at the top of [the old index at kimbro]. This search box enables you to enter your own search words or phrases to search the content of the entire site. So for instance if you wanted free tools, all you need do is enter "free tools" [without quotes] into the search box. The search will then return all the information on free tools within the site.

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Cheers to All,


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