Monday, January 12, 2009

Make Money Online - The Best Home Money Making Investment

I've spent the past 4 years teaching people how to start their own home based
Online business.

Today I'd like to show you how you can invest and double the money
you have made in your Online business, every month.

That may sound like a tall order considering the state of the current economy.

With the collapse of banks and sharemarkets, this hardly seems like the time to invest
in anything.

If like myself, you have ignored Forex trading because you do not know the first

thing about it, please do yourself a favour and look into the following proposition.

This is a hands free - totally no experience neccessary program that works to make you money 24/7.

You can try this out for 80 days before investing and if you don't like it get a full refund!

Invest as little as $50 and double your money every month.



Sunday, January 11, 2009

Make Money Online - End SEO Trauma

Virtually everyday I receive messages via my inbox, asking me how I get traffic to my sites.
The answer is always the same - Optimize your sites so the search engines can find you.
I have spent some time over the holiday season building a new site about the Gold Coast in Australia.

I did not want to go public with it as it is not finished - erroneously I thought that no one would find it.

I loaded it to the server to test it in different browsers. Today I found out that Google has already indexed 23 pages. That's what happens when you build sites with optimization in mind.

Search Engine Optimization [SEO] is an ever changing goal post, and you really have to keep up with the changes to be successful.

Some of the changes that Google is undergoing right now:

  • Geo- targeting
  • Subjective search analytics
  • behaviour intent based search [for instance if you search for "Java", Google will determine from your previous behaviour online, whether to send you to a Java development page or to a coffee site.]
  • engagement objects-interactivity; may outweigh links.

O.K. so what's the answer - how do we keep abreast of all these constant changes?

I was considering setting up a membership site and employing someone to post the changes and their impact on your sites visibility daily.

Then I came across this:

I have not purchased the above product as I am getting my sites on the first page of Google consistently. Usually I do not recommend products that I have not tried myself - however this membership provides all that I wanted to create for you myself and comes with a money back guarantee.

I was informed that Wild SEO is currently being sold for a special discount price of only $49.99,

but will be raised to $97 in 2 days time and that is why I am telling you about it on this blog.

Whether you purchase Wild SEO or not, I highly recommend that you do get informed of the rapid changes Google is currently implementing. If you want free traffic to your sites which =$$$$'s make sure to optimize your sites for 2009.

