Sunday, May 17, 2009

Make Money Online - Risidual Income

The biggest problem for promoters of programs which entail a downline is the attrition rate.

Lets suppose you have mastered the skills of Internet Marketing and are able to sign up a lot of people to the program you are promoting.

The success of obtaining a good residual income is dependent on the people you have signed up to be able to sign up people as well.

Unless you have a very simple system in place, whereby all your downlines can recruit easily, you will not have any success in making a good residual income.

I know this from first hand experience. I spent a couple of years fruitlessly trying to educate my downlines on how to market successfully online.

The major stumbling block for my downlines has always been the need to build a website to promote from.

I spent many hours helping my downlines via email instructions on setting up their own websites and getting traffic to their own sites. This exercise has proved to be too demanding for my downlines to emulate for their downlines. Quite frankly it has proved to be too demanding on me too.

Addressing this problem and comming up with a solution has not been easy.

Firstly I set up instructional websites were all our downlines could go and learn how to start their own business online. These sites have proved to be very successful for people who wanted to start their own business online. However the mind set of people looking to join MLM type businesses online are not prepared to spend the time in building their own business online.

My next step was to join and promote free marketing systems to my downlines. This also proved to be a futile adventure. Mainly because these free marketing systems didn't remain free for long and demanded frequent sign ups to other programs or upgrades.

Finally I was able to come up with a solution which has had amazing results.
For the first time my downlines are recruiting well and their downlines are recruiting well.
To see the results online:

To see the free automated marketing system visit my Free Report site at:

