Monday, July 23, 2007

Make Money Online - For The 95% Who Fail.

For the 95% who fail to make a good income online.
Expectations are shattered daily for people who diligently applied themselves to successfully start a home business online.

This phenomenon, although not to the same extent is reflected in the off-line world as well. For instance in my district 500 restaurants close per year. The closure of restaurants is a much higher percentage than any other business in my district.

There are however more successful restaurants in my district than anywhere else in Australia. Also a successful restaurant business in my district is a very lucrative business to be in.

Therefore we can deduce that there are more restaurant businesses started in my district every year than any other business in my district because it is the most lucrative business to be in. Financial advisors would be touting prospective investors to start a restaurant business in my district.

This in turn would tempt investors to get involved in a restaurant business even if they do not have the necessary expertise to run a restaurant. They justify their decision by stating that they will hire all the expertise they need. However the competition is too strong to carry the extra expense they have incurred through outsourcing and they ultimately fail.

So can you see how this relates to the 95% failure rate for people starting any online venture?

Let’s compare the following:

Offline: Open a restaurant in my district, proven huge business potential for you.

The Online Temptation. There is a huge home business potential for you online.

You get testimonials from people daily who proclaim [truthfully or otherwise] that they are making outrageous incomes from the comfort of their own homes.
Some even claim that if you join their proven program you will have cash rolling into your bank account 24/7 starting within 15 minutes, no selling, experience or skills necessary. We provide you with a website; we do all the selling for you. The cost to join such a program varies between about $7 to $12,000.

If you are curious, join a cheap program to see how they operate. Once you’ve failed to make any money DON’T get tempted to join the more expensive version, your outcome will be the same!

Why is it that people readily recognize that to make a professional income offline you need a professional education but think that the same is not true for online ventures?

At best you may get lucky and make a quick buck online but without Internet Marketing Expertise you will not build a solid lasting home business online.

In Summary:

Yes there is a fortune to be made online. Yes it is simple and inexpensive to start your own home business online – if you know how. It is simple but not easy – you need to learn how to;

*Establish an Online Presence. = Your Own Website.

*Get natural traffic from the major search engines = SEO.

*Don’t lie down with the dogs, you’ll catch fleas = Good Backlinks.

*Only Offer top programs, services and programs = Due diligence.

* Establish credibility and trust = Honesty.

In closing:

All the information you need to learn all of the above is readily and freely available on the Internet. However sourcing all this information can take a very long time and you can easily fall into the trap of being sidetracked and distracted. More-over, information overload creates confusion in the inexperienced. The KIMBRO.NET site was established as a free resource to counter these problems.

To join the 5% of successful home businesses online YOU have to be prepared to invest some time in Yourself – apply the knowledge you gain through thorough study to build Your Own successful business online.

Copyright 2007 Katarina Jellinek.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kitty, you have an amazing web site. Everything appears to be set out in a step by step process. One thing I have found whilst looking around the net, and in particular, searching for home based business ideas, I tend to come away from it all more confused than when I started. It is such a refreshing change to be able to follow the information provided and to actually understand what I am reading. Thank you for your educational site and look forward to more info as it comes to hand.