I am posting this info here as I believe we are all involved in advertising online in some form or other.
If your old enough you will remember the little Mom and Pop corner stores, now replaced, actually driven out of business by the huge local supermarket store.
History is repeating itself on the internet, did you know that 95% of all internet traffic goes to ten major websites? The rest of the millions of websites have to fight for the other 5%.
Just like the newspaper, car and corner store industries have been monopolized by super giants off-line - history is repeating itself within the Internet industry.
It isn't just the current volatile economy that is making Internet marketing more difficult than a few years ago. It is the Super Giants who's advertising budgets we can't compete with that are driving Internet Marketers out of business.
So what's the solution - how can you win against such odds?
Does history HAVE to repeat itself? The answer is an emphatic NO!
Because the Internet has given us a medium for "People Power" all we have to do is use it. Never before in history has there been such an opportunity
not to let ourselves be relegated into taking a back seat by the Super Giants.
I have written a free report showing you how you can compete with the Super Giants like Google, Facebook etc - and win!
This free report will show you how you can advertise your products/affiliate products in the same places as the Super Giants on a shoestring budget, without third party media buys.
Yes I'll show you how to cut out the middlemen who take $100000's of dollars out of everyone's advertising budget.
I'll also show you how you can monetize your own websites by running ads for other people without utilizing ad-serving companies that take the lions share of ad revenue. This is not about AdSense, AdBright or any similar ad-servers.
We as the people can take back control of the Internet but only if enough people become aware of what is really happening and how we are being manipulated and ripped off!
Help me to spread the word - get your free download today and then if you agree with my 7 page report, spread the word and make this a better world.
Get access through my "Protected Index" at: