Virtually everyday I receive messages via my inbox, asking me how I get traffic to my sites.
The answer is always the same - Optimize your sites so the search engines can find you.
I have spent some time over the holiday season building a new site about the Gold Coast in Australia.
I did not want to go public with it as it is not finished - erroneously I thought that no one would find it.
I loaded it to the server to test it in different browsers. Today I found out that Google has already indexed 23 pages. That's what happens when you build sites with optimization in mind.
Search Engine Optimization [SEO] is an ever changing goal post, and you really have to keep up with the changes to be successful.
Some of the changes that Google is undergoing right now:
- Geo- targeting
- Subjective search analytics
- behaviour intent based search [for instance if you search for "Java", Google will determine from your previous behaviour online, whether to send you to a Java development page or to a coffee site.]
- engagement objects-interactivity; may outweigh links.
O.K. so what's the answer - how do we keep abreast of all these constant changes?
I was considering setting up a membership site and employing someone to post the changes and their impact on your sites visibility daily.
Then I came across this:
I have not purchased the above product as I am getting my sites on the first page of Google consistently. Usually I do not recommend products that I have not tried myself - however this membership provides all that I wanted to create for you myself and comes with a money back guarantee.
I was informed that Wild SEO is currently being sold for a special discount price of only $49.99,
but will be raised to $97 in 2 days time and that is why I am telling you about it on this blog.
Whether you purchase Wild SEO or not, I highly recommend that you do get informed of the rapid changes Google is currently implementing. If you want free traffic to your sites which =$$$$'s make sure to optimize your sites for 2009.