Webmaster shows how to make money online whilst promoting your business for free. SEO verses paid advertising made simple. Save time and money. Get huge traffic to your sites. Make sure to visit http://kimbro.net for free information on how to start a home business online.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Make Money Online – Warning Home Jobs Entering Data Online.
a time for most to spend quality time with their families and take a well deserved rest.
It is also a time for reflection on the past year and decisions concerning the year to come. Internet Marketers are well aware that it is a golden time to promote themselves through greetings and Christmas gifts to their loyal customers.
Customers world wide are aware of the huge end of year sales that abound and there are a surge of people at this time of year shopping online as well.
I have noticed a pandemic of advertising for work at home data entry jobs offered online, taking advantage of the increased traffic. This has happened consistently in the past at this time of year.
Perhaps you have seen ads like this:
“Earn $200-$500 every day, working from your home computer”
The promo goes on to tell you that you do not need any prior experience, that if you can copy and paste and type a message, you can do this job. They will supply you with as much work as you want to handle, etc, etc.
Or an ad like this:
“ Earn $75 per hour guaranteed getting rebates for companies.”
Again the promo states that you do not need any experience.
The sales letters are usually very well written, seem to make logical sense and appeal to the people most in need of extra income – like stay at home mums or people who have been laid off.
I get calls for help daily from masses of confused people who have joined these programs. This is also the most asked question on many forums; the question goes something like this:
“I have done everything I was instructed to do, worked my but off for the past two months but have not earned anything, what am I doing wrong with this data entry job – please help.”
So before you get taken in to pay these scoundrels for their services let me point out what they omit to tell you about:
Data Entry Jobs.
The companies they talk about for which you are going to enter data are affiliate programs which they tell you to join for free.
The data you are going to enter are advertisements which they provide, which you are told to submit to free advertising sites.
If the advertisement results in a sale you will get paid a commission from the affiliate program.
The likelihood of you making a sale through free advertising sites is practically nil.
They don’t care whether you make a sale or not as they have got your money.
Rebate Jobs.
You are told to join affiliate programs. Try to sell the products with the promise of a rebate – that comes out of your commission once you have been paid. They tell you that you will make a lot of sales because you are undercutting the competition by offering a rebate. Again they give you the ads to place on free advertising sites. Your chances of making sales using this method are very slim.
What you are actually paying for.
You are paying these scoundrels between $49 - $199 for a list of affiliate programs to join for free.
Here is where you will find all the information they will give you about affiliate programs:
Or do a search on Google for affiliate programs.
The ads they give you to post to free advertising sites are taken from the promo tools available to you when you join any of the affiliate programs.
If you want a list of free advertising sites again just do a search on Google for free advertising sites.
So now you don’t need to pay anyone for the privilege of data entry or rebates. I have just given you all that you will receive from them for free.
As stated above you won’t make enough sales using this system to make an income from home.
Yes you can make an income from home through good affiliate programs, your own products or a service. However you first need to know how to market online.
To earn as you learn go to the “Kimbro’s Study” this is not an e-book but a free 24/7 study online. You will not need to download anything or give any details to access all the information you need to make money online from home.
Wishing all a Happy and Prosperous 2009
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas
Hoping you are celebrating with loved ones all around you.
I have posted my Christmas Wishes for you at:
Please make sure your speakers are turned up.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Make Money Online - E-BooksOnline Traffic Update
here are the traffic stats for the past 3 months.
E-booksOnlineReach for e-booksonline 3 months change up by 135%
page views and users reach 3 months up by 4,372,623
Page views per user 3 month change up by 18%
You can view the stats at:
This is still a very young site but as you can see it is travelling well.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Make Money Online - Two Big Friends
You have Two Big Friends waiting to meet you here:
Two Internet heavyweights are standing by to help you make
money Online 24/7.
We won't ask you to subscribe to our list or jump through any other hoops
to access this Free Information Online right now.
This is not an e-book.
Knowledge is power - So let us empower you today.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Make Money Online - Free Marketing System
If you have been following my posts then you know I do not recommend anything that I have not tried myself.
Normally I would let a program like this run a little longer before recommending it.
However this Marketing System has already delivered on its promises for me and I want to let you know about it while it is still free.
What I really like about the program is that it has step by step video instructions EVERY STEP of the way, making it suitable for everybody - even if you have never set anything up online before. The set up takes time but there is nothing complicated about it. Once set up it works for you 24/7.
This is the first really duplicate able marketing system I have seen online - and I have been here for a while and tried many systems.
Truly there is no stone left un-turned, you will not need any additional apps, e-books or software to run this.
The System will promote any product or website. If you don't have a product, don't worry, the system provides you with multiple streams of income.
The system is f'ree, You can use it 100% f'ree and still earn multiple streams of income! You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain!
Give it a shot,
When you sign up you will instantly get a system generated password on the same page.
I strongly advise you to take note of your user name and password and log into your back office from this page.
This is because the email that the system sends with your log in details may get blocked by spam filters.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Make Money Online - HardDrive Crashes
Well it finally happened to me after 7 years, I had my first harddrive crash to the point of no return.
Fortunately I had been following my own advise and everything was backed up - here is the history of events.
I did a shadow copy of my IBM computer, with Acronis in 2007 to:
"Western Digital WDG1C5000N My Book Premium 500GB FireWire USB External Harddrive"
Then did a daily backup to the above USB drive. I could have booted and run my computer from the USB when my hard drive crashed. However I did not want to operate from my only backup.
Once I installed the new hard drive to my IBM, all I had to do was run the Acronis software and do a shadow copy back to my computer. Voila! I had my computer back the way it was before I lost my hard drive.
As far as I know here is where you will get the best deal if you want to purchase an external hard drive:
I also saved around AUD$200 by installing the harddrive and reloading my data myself.
All the instructions for updating - building - recovering from a computer crash - are clearly described in the MyScribeWeb.com membership site, with clear pictures for every step.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Make Money Online - Traffic Stats

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Make Money Online - Celebrates "MyScribeWeb"
Today we are celebrating MyScribeWeb.com first birthday and so is Google who placed us at #1. position for the search term Writers and web builders.
And for our wonderful loyal and supportive members we are going to add a special this month.
A script that will enable you to build your own autoresponder mailing list on any site you own with php5. As always full instructions for installation will be added.
Currently I am searching for an easy to use email address extraction program to add to the site.
This tool would be very handy to collect all the email addresses on your computers automatically.
I use dos for this application, however not many people know how to run cmd.
I have reviewed 8 advertised programs so far but non of them are up to standard.
So if any readers here know of a good EASY TO USE email extraction program [not a harvester]
please let me know.
Our foundation site has had a face lift. For those of you who are used to and love the old look , don't worry the old version is still there too. The new version we feel is a lot easier to navigate.
Please take a look and let us know how you like it. Still the same address at:
Friday, August 15, 2008
Make Money Online: Update to new site E-BooksOnline.

Here is an update on the post 21st July 2008 where we
announced that e-booksonline went live and made a special
introductory offer.
A few people took us up on this offer; if you want to see the
pages we have put up so far:
Note in the image above, the site is in position#2 on Google
for the search term e-booksonline.
Please note the special offer will close shortly.
For more information go to:
Then click on the "Promote E-B" tab.
Helping others to help themselves,
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Make Money Online: Step by Step Report
"Step by Step Process to Making Money Online"
Every resource you will need to succeed online.
Vendors, you can give this report to all your affiliates, help them to sell your products.
The report is only 4 pages long - packed with information that works!
To Get it go to:
Click on the tab "Help E-B"
Hope this helps everyone here.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Make Money Online - Special Introductory Offer.
This new site is all about E-Books. How to Read,
Write, Listen to, Find & Promote Your E-Books.
So whether you are looking for good e-books
Or You have an E-Book you would like us to promote
for you at 0% commission, then you should visit
Whilst you are there don't miss our Special
Introductory offer which you will find under
the "Promote E-B" tab on the site.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Make Money Online - Free Make Money Online E-Book
That I am having trouble writing about it.
You see I am afraid that I won't do a good enough job,
in convincing you to take up this free offer.
And if I do not do a good enough job you might miss out
on the greatest opportunity to Make Money Online
no matter what your level of expertise.
Suitable for absolute Newbies!
Please don't under-estimate the value of this E-Book because it is free.
I'm sure you will agree when I say the air we breath is very valuable. Well it is free too.
Read this e-book from cover to cover. Implement just two tiny steps and
you could be financially free in a very short time.
I really don't want this post to sound like a sales letter rave but you
must go and take a look at this - download your free copy today at:
I won't even ask you for your email or contact details, so you can download it immediately.
Please be patient if it takes a while to download, there is a lot of traffic to my site.
Let me know if you have a download problem.
What I would like from you in return:
After you have read the Make Money Online e-book come back here and leave a comment.
You can make the comment anonymous if you wish.
If you have a website you want to promote add your link to your comment
and get some of this traffic to your site as well.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Make Money Online - Anatomy Of A Web Page.
Too many people are led to believe that promoting other peoples websites is all they will have to do to make Money Online.
It is true you can make Money online by promoting other peoples websites and/or products.However you need to do this promotion from your own websites.
To find out why go and download and read my free report from:
After reading the report, if you have come to the realization that you need to have your own web site to Make Money Online but feel overwhelmed at the prospect of building one, then maybe the Making Money Online industry is not the right choice for you.
The only other choice is to hire someone not to only build your website for you but to maintain and optimize the site for you on an ongoing basis.
The same is true for any business, you either have the skills or hire someone with the skills to run your business.
Trying to Make Money Online without web building skills is like trying to pilot a passenger airplane if you are not a pilot. Both end up in disaster.
There are too many scammers online promising instant wealth online without the need of a website. Funny thing is, I'm reading these promotions on a website. Or in an email that points me to a website.
On a brighter note, building websites is not as hard as some would have you believe.
It is also not as expensive to build and maintain a website as some would have you believe.
There are many different ways that you can design the style of your web page but for starters let's look at the basics:
As a member of http://www.myscribeweb.com, you get a 60+ website of your own fully optimized and monetized, already loaded with top selling products.
These sites are easy to install to your own hosting provider using your own domain name.
This is a good head start, a real business in a box free to all our members.
However to be able to add new content, pages and new products in the future we encourage and help you to learn how to build your own pages.
The membership also supplies ALL the tools, software and tutorials needed to build your own websites and promote your online businesses.
Membership subscription to MyScribeWeb.com is $100 per year that's only $1.93 per week for all the resources under one roof, accessible 24/7. to Make Money Online.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Make Money Online - Email Fraud
I am particularly disgusted by a fraudulent email I received today [ see copy below].
Firstly this gangster tries to convince me that this message is not a scam!
Secondly he refers to a victim of the Trade Center - Sept. 11, 2001 tradgedy.
The object of this email fraud is identity theft.
He requests that his proposition be kept private and confidential- therefore I have decided to post it here.
One would think that these email fraud scams are too obvious to work. However the fact that these type of emails are continously hiting my inbox for the past few years, leads me to believe that people are still falling for these scams. If these scammers were not getting any results I don't think that they would persist.
Perhaps if everyone who has the facility to post these fraudulent messages would do so, then we can raise the public awareness to the point that fraudulent emails become redundant.
So I invite anyone reading this post to copy and paste this post and the other posts refered to above onto their blogs - sites - billboards etc.
Here is the copy of the Email Fraud - Shame on You! "DYFRIG JOHN"
From: Dyfrig John [johndyfrig@yahoo.com]
Subject: Private Memo
Dear Sir/Madam,
I feel quite safe dealing with you in this business proposition having gone through your remarkable profile on the internet. Though, this medium (Internet)has been greatly abused, I choose to reach you through it because it still remains the fastest, surest and most secured medium of communication.However,this correspondence is unofficial and private, and it should be treated as such. Before I introduce myself, I wish to inform you that this letter is not a hoax or Scam mail and I urge you to treat it with the seriousness it deserves. I also guarantee you that this deal is hitch free from all what you may think of. I am Mr Dyfrig John, Branch Manager in HSBC BANK PLC.
I am contacting you based on Trust and confidentiality that will be attached to this deal. The Management and the Legal department of our BANK (HSBC BANK PLC) in a recent meeting, Recommended that the account of Mrs.Sigrid Fassnacht, who was one of my branch depositor, should be declared Dormant, confisticated and the depositor's fund sent to the Bank Treasury according to united Kingdom banking and financial law. She died in world trade center as Victims of the September 11, 2001.Incident that befall the united state of America, the bank is still unrelenting in its bid to contact any of the relatives to claim This money.
She is an account holder in my branch; she owns a dollar account with the sum of GBPЈ7.5M deposited in a numbered account with the account. In fact it happened that since her death, the next of kin of the dollar account holder (the brother) or whom ever that is related to her has not show up for the claim. This is where I am interested on and this is where I want you to come in.
The Banking law and guideline here stipulates that if such money remained unclaimed after Seven years, the money will be transferred into the Bank treasury as unclaimed fund. The request of foreigner as next of kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner, and a British Citizen cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner. We agree that 45% of this money will be for you as foreign partner, in respect to the provision of a foreign account, 10% will be set aside for expenses incurred during the business and 45% would be for investment in your Country as soon as the Transfer is completed.
Therefore to enable the immediate transfer of this fund to you as arranged, Please include your Information as stated Below.
I want you to come in as the relation of the deceased Mrs.Sigrid Fassnacht who has account with HSBC BANK PLC, I will give you the contact of the attorney, who will handle all the legal Documentations. He will lay claims through his legal authority. He is going to be happy to assist you. I will be the one to provide the vital documents for the claims of the money and then Advise you exactly how we should handle it. The whole Procedures will last only 7 working days to get the fund retrieved successfully without trace even in future.
Please do contact me via my private mail address(dyfrigjohn@yahoo.co.uk)
Yours truly,
Mr.Dyfrig John
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Make Money Online - Instantly build a high profit website
Really take a close look at all the pages and what's on offer. Why?
Because this site is FREE for myscribeweb.com members.
Because here is a site already set up for YOU.
Because Google adds are already set up for you.
You can add as many new PayDotCom products from the PayDotCom marketplace as you wish. Already has the best selling products from Click Bank loaded.
The site comes with step by step video instructions on how to set it up.
A tool that will change all the links to point to YOUR affiliate ID with the click of your mouse.
We all know that as an affiliate you need your own website to promote from.
So get your own site today and start earning some money. http://www.myscribeweb.com/JoinMyScribeWebMembership.html?id=MyScribeWeb
I have been marketing online for over 5 years, selling other peoples products and my own. During this time I have helped a considerable amount of people to start their own online businesses.
The #1 problem or rather stumbling block I have found common to most people in setting up - is creating their Own website. Then getting that website enough traffic to make an income.
Therefore I have created a website which is fully optimized and monetized which people can load to their own servers with their own domain name - add products and content or delete products as they choose.
In short this is the complete code to a 60+ page site. The site is super easy to install and I have provided a software tool that makes transfering all my links to your links through-out the site a cinch.
In my original post above I gave my site https://www.one-stop-shop-online.org as an online example.
To see another members example online go to: http://www.eveswebs.net/index.html
The site is free to download from within the myscribeweb.com members area.
There are heaps of additional graphics if you want to change the look of the site.
Also this site is only a fraction of what you get as a subscriber to myscribeweb.com.
Anyone wanting to make money online should seriously consider this membership as it contains EVERYTHING you will need to start, run and promote YOUR OWN business online.
At less than $2 per week you get all the software, information, tutorials, products to resell and keep 100% of the profits - etc, etc.
To top it all off you get 50% recurring income as an affiliate of MyScribeWeb.com - make two referals and your membership is free.
Sign up and download your free site here.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Make Money Online - Calligraphy
Calligraphy [Calli=beautiful; graphy= writing].
There is a market for beautifully handwritten wedding invitations and special announcements.
Make inquiries online or in your own locality to find work.
If you are reliable and diligent you will recieve repeat orders.
Don't know how to do Calligraphy?
Check out this brand new free guide Calligraphy online.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Make Money Online: Page Positions In Google
I cover this topic on all of my sites and in previous posts to this blog.
For those of you who have been following along; below is an update on my 7 month old site;
Page positions in Google for MyScribeWeb.com 18th April 2008.
About MyScribeWeb.com
Launched in September2007.
The main portion of this website is private and for members only.
Below is a summary of the Public pages and how Google rates them.
All search terms were placed without quotation marks.
All results are taken directly from Google search results.
The websites was optimized for the search terms:
Resources for Writers Authors and web builders
Result #1 & #2 of about 79,400 for Resources for Writers Authors and web builders.
Below are some more search terms and result;
Authors and web builders
Results #9 of about 1,890,000 for Authors and web builders.
Writers and web builders
Results #1 & #2 of about 269,000 for Writers and Web Builders.
Scribes and Scripts
Results #3 of about 222,000 for Scribes and Scripts.
publishers and agents directories
Results #33 of about 206,000 for publishers and agents directories
Publishers & Literary Agents
Results #33 of about 676,000 for Publishers & Literary Agents.
Scribes and Scripts
Results #2 of about 222,000 for Scribes and Scripts.
Roman Scribes and Numerals
Results #1 & #2 of about 31,900 for Roman Scribes and Numerals.
Roman Scribes and Roman Numerals
Results #1  of about 77,400 for Roman Scribes and Roman Numerals.
membership for writers and publishers
Results #39 of about 489,000 for membership for writers and publishers.
membership for writers publishers and Web Builders
Results #1 & #2 of about 33,300 for membership for writers publishers and Web Builders.
my scribe web
Results #1, #2 & #3 of about 201,000 for my scribe web.
Currently Google is pointing to about 1,240 references to myscribeweb for the search term - info: http://www.myscribeweb.com/.
Important Note:
Due to an overwhelming amount of spam to our inbox;
We are destroying all the data in our old mailing lists.
If; You don't want to communicate with us again? Then do nothing.
If; You want to keep the line of communication open? Then please subscribe to our new mailing list from the following link;
We do not use these messages for advertising, or to solicit you into purchasing products or joining programs. These messages are designed to provide a service to you from MyScribeWeb.com, not to fill your inbox with junk.
Why aren't we transferring all the data from our old mailing lists to our new mailing list? We believe that communication should be a two-way street. Currently our list is just over 5000, we only send about one message a month, but we are receiving over 2500 emails in our inbox a day from people who we don't know - and it is driving us mad!
Therefore we have decided to block any incoming mail from people who are not on our list. This should free up resources needed to cater to genuine inquiries related to our business.
We sincerely hope we don't lose any of our loyal subscribers in this move, and are looking forward to welcoming any newcomers.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Membership Creation Software
I just wish this software would have been available when I was
creating the MyScribeWeb.com membership site.
How much time that would have saved me!
Anyway I was so impressed I just had to purchase it with a license
to pass it on to all my members at MyScribeWeb.com, yes as usual
this is another valuable software added to the members area, software arsenal.
Go to your members area to download it now for FREE.
Whether you want to create a Free or Paid membership site
this software will create it.
You, can create any number of Membership Sites without
any knowledge in programming and script installation.
No complicated database setup and manual CHMOD settings
are not necessary anymore to create Members only private site.
Just fill-up a simple form and press the "Create YourMembership Site" Button,
and your membership site will be ready within 60 Seconds literally.
• Creates a Password protect members folder in your website.
• Creates Signup Forms for your customers to create membership account.
• Works with multiple payment processors (ClickBank, Paypal etc) to collect
membership access fee.
• Includes a system to create unique user ID and password for all customers.
• Provides an easy to use Admin Control panel to manage your members.
• Add all new members into your AutoResponder System.
• Advanced Search Option to search members UserID,
Email, Receipt number, IP address etc.
• Clickbank™ customers purchase' details will be automatically added to the database
• Paypal™ customers' transaction details will be added to the database
• Easy to use Admin Setup page to modify system variables.
• An option to add your One-Time-Offers (OTO) to the welcome page
• Provides a lost password retrieval utility for your members to retrieve their forgotten logindetails. etc., etc., etc.,
System Requirements:
This Instant Membership Site Creator will work fine in any PC
with Windows Vista, XP, 2000, ME, 98, 95 or compatible OS.
Sorry MAC users.
Minimum Server Requirements:
You can create membership sites in almost all Unix/Linux web hosts
with cgi-bin, Perl and Net::FTP module.
If you have read my previous posts about Making Money Online
or the content at Kimbro.net you will already know how lucrative
having your own membership site can be.
This is your oportunity to set up Your Own membership site today.
Once you have your site set up list it in the free MyScribeWeb Directory
to get traffic to Your site.
HINT: Leaving comments on this blog will also get traffic to Your sites.
All the Best,
Monday, March 17, 2008
I use this external harddrive to do all my backups and store photos. I have found this product to be easy to use [just plugs in to my laptop's USB] and very reliable.
You save
- $270.00
Your price
So if you are looking for extra storage space I highly recommend you grab this external harddrive at this greatly reduced price.
Go to my store at: https://www.one-stop-shop-online.org
Click on "Stores" then "Computers/music"
If you want a shop like this one, that you can customize for yourself then take a look HERE
and get all the resources you need to Make money Online.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Take a look at the site you get to keep online at:
Leave the site as it is, a complete business in a box.
All you have to do is follow the instructions to change the links to your name
and load it to your hosting account.
Edit the site in any way you wish.
It's Your site!
Not a member of MyScribeWeb? Join today at:
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Update Monetize Your Websites 2008
In case you have not read it take a look at my previous posts.
Here is a link to read a report on Pay Per Play in the Wall Street Journal.
This is going live as scheduled on the 1st of February.
Participation will be limited eventually so don't miss out.
Here is a system that you have to see to believe. just launched
take a look for yourself at:
To Make Money Online you have to recognize oportunity when it knocks.
Be the first ones to promote this product. All the tools are ready for you to use
in this FREE affiliate program.
Guaranteed No Loss Gambling System
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
My New Years Resolution + Gift For All
my new FREE E-book at the link below, to every one you know.
Hot OF The Press
My Blueprint for success in 2008. This is a free download available at:
Let's make a difference in 2008.I really want to balance the scales away from all the scammers out there.
Send the above link to all those you feel can benefit
from the information in this E-book.
Wishing You A Happy & Prosperous New Year,